Below is a list of my projects.

  • SCOTUS Map
    with Victoria Kwan
    Launched in July 2014, SCOTUS Map remains the definitive resource for tracking United States Supreme Court justices' public engagements. Built with Ruby on Rails.
  • SCOTUS Watch
    with Victoria Kwan
    Launched in July 2018, SCOTUS Watch tracked U.S. senators' public statements on then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
  • The Fed Project
    A web site that graphs the Federal Reserve's interest rate projections over time and compares them to the actual rate and projections in other timeframes. Your one-stop shop for Federal Reserve interest rate projections and statements.
  • SCOTUS Search
    with Victoria Kwan
    The only free, searchable online database of United States Supreme Court oral argument transcripts dating back to the 1950s -- a total of over 1.4 million individual statements. Built with Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL. Currently in beta.
  • Link Fixer
    A mini-app, created with Ruby on Rails, that processes CSV-formatted URL lists, pings each one, and returns the HTTP code, final redirect, and other data.